Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Joelle and I enjoying the shade.

Having arrived, unpacked an d got our bearings, we thought we'd recover from the journey by taking a trip to Palmyra! Sleeping in the bus for a couple of hours was probably a good idea, and we needed cheering up after the exhausting journey. It was an excellent day in these remarkable ruins, which always make me think of the futility of life, and the fundamental absurdity of existence. My idea of fun! After seeing the ruins, the tombs, the museum, and having a lovely time drinking tea in one of the shops, and lunch of Bedouin cuisine in one of my favourite Syrian restaurants, we watched the sunset from the medeival castle overlooking the site.

Francesca enjoying the sunset.

After sleeping in the bus on the way back to Deir Mar Musa, we awoke the next day invigorated and ready to get on with some work!
